what we have bent in our earlier theories. This time Otaku Indonesia will again discuss the origins of Asta's Grimoire Semanggi Berdaun Lima.

And our opinion is of course based on the latest facts and data. So. Check it out !!!

The release of the manga chapter 157 yesterday, opened a new fact about the five-leaf Grimoire clover owned by Asta.

This chapter has indirectly confirmed that the Grimoire clover has five leaf Asta, it used to belong to Licht.

And it seems like the Grimoire Devil's Own Rights really still belong to Licht until now.

Because in chapter 157 looks Licht gets up and fights without using a Grimoire as he should.

If you still remember, in chapter 1 of the manga, in episode 1 of the anime, it was mentioned that a Grimoire was paired with the owner.

Once that Grimoire has chosen the owner, then the Grimoire won't be able to be used by anyone else.

And in chapter 33 of the manga, it is mentioned that the Grimoire owner died, then the Grimoire will be destroyed with him.

But does this standard also apply to the 5-leaf Grimoire clover?

In our opinion, yeah !!!

In other words, during this time Licht did not really die after the tragedy of the Elf massacre by humans. What we mean by this is of course the original Licht.

Maybe he's just in hibernation or something. Therefore his 5-leaf clover Grimoire is not destroyed from this world.

Of course you still remember, when Yuno first found Licht at the White Night Demon Eye Headquarters right?

At that moment Yuno felt a life energy emanating from the room where Licht's body was.

And when he entered the room, Licht seemed to be standing in a state of unconsciousness, or perhaps half-conscious.

And beneath it was a sword stuck on the floor.

After Licht woke up, we only found out that the sword was the third demonic sword, a sword similar to the two demon swords used by Asta.

Well, this is interesting.

It is said that this Licht has the power of sword magic. He can create magic swords anytime and anywhere.

And the Grimoire he used to store the spells of summoning his sword magic was leafy Grimoire clover 4. Not 5-leafed Clover.

Then, when he woke up from his hibernation, not even one Grimoire was beside him.

And while fighting Asta and Yuno, he also didn't seem to create a sword using his magic power.

Licht fights Yuno and Asta without using Grimoire. Greget isn't it?

He only takes Asta's Demon Dweller Sword, then uses it to defend and attack.

And he was able to bring out the full potential of the Sword found by Asta in a mysterious Dungeon perfectly.

As if he wants to show Asta, this is it! how to use the real demon sword !!!

Afterwards, if in our opinion, he seemed to intentionally release the third demonic sword that had been stuck in the room where his body was to be taken by Asta.

We speculate that way, because when Asta grabbed the third sword, Licht's face which was clipped-up looked a little.

As if he said, take it! it's a gift from me !!!

Then, when Rhya asks, why does Licht not take his 5-leaf Grimoire clover from Asta, Licht only answers it with "It's no longer mine!"

Then he told an Elf reincarnation to fly their headquarters to the Elf hometown, which turned out to be near the village of Hage. The village where Asta and Yuno came from.

Well, back to Licht's past.

When I met Tetia, and married some time later, Licht was still seen using 4-leaf Grimoire clover, not leafy 5.

But why did Rhya know that the five leaf Grimoire clover is Licht's?

In the tragedy, it was mentioned that Licht activated a forbidden magic called reincarnation magic.

We feel, at that time Licht not only activated the reincarnation magic, but he also activated another forbidden magic that made his 4 leaf Grimoire clover evolve into 5 leaf clover.

Maybe in this tragedy for the first time Licht could create an anti-magic sword to break away from magic that made him unable to use magic, and destroy the barrier that trapped them.

And Licht not only created one or two anti-magic swords. Instead of 3 anti-magic swords.

Because it creates too much anti-magic material, many of the negatives are absorbed, making the 4-leaf Grimoire clover evolve into a 5-leaf clover.

Until now it is still a mystery and quite a heated debate among the One Piece theorists about the real power of a Monkey D. Dragon.

Even though in reality their debate was more specific to what kind of Devil Fruit Dragon had.

Some argue that Dragon is a user of the power of the Dragon-type Mythical Zoan demon that can control the weather.

This opinion is getting stronger because in the manga chapter 904, the Revolutionary troop flag brought by the Bety Belo is a dragon head.

But there are also those who argue that Dragon is a wind-type user of Logia Devil Fruit. This is based on the presence of strong winds whenever Dragon appears.

But what if it turns out that Dragon controls the weather not by using Devil Fruit ??? But using Haki.

There are some things that we feel are strong enough to underlie our opinion.

First, in general, a Zoan power user will change at least part of his body before being able to use Zoan's Devil Fruit power.

But every time a strong wind blew around the Dragon, there was no change in form that happened to Dragon's body.

If Dragon is a user of the Zoan Naga demon fruit, it should at least part of his body be transformed into a dragon's body part before he can use that power.

Different conditions occur in Logia and Paramecia power users.

Paramecia users, many do not need to change their body shape to be able to use the power of the demon fruit. Fujitora and Trafalgar Law are real examples.

While some Logia users can also exert their strength, without needing to change their body into the logic element.

Aokiji can casually cycle above sea level, by freezing the surface through which the bike is running, without the need to change parts of his body to catch ice first.

Ace once made the whole ice in Drum Kingdom melt, and changed the winter which never stopped at Drum Kingdom to be a warm summer, as long as he set foot on the Island.

In fact, while in the Drum Kingdom, Ace's body did not continue to release its logia power.

However, even though Aokiji can ride casually on the surface of the sea, or Ace that changes the weather and climate in the Drum kingdom without needing to change his body shape, but both can only use one element of strength.

Aokiji only uses Ice, and Ace only uses Fire.

But look at what Dragon did in Logue Town. He not only shows his strength in one single form.

He can activate a very strong lightning strike to save Luffy from Buggy's execution. Then covered Logue Town with a rainstorm. Then throw Luffy and the others using very strong winds.

Is there maybe the power of Logia or Paramecia that can do that ??? Enel alone who has the power of lightning logia can only create lightning, it cannot create a thunder cloud! Especially creating rain.

Therefore, we actually thought what if Dragon controlled the weather using Haki. More precisely Haoshoku Haki.

Maybe our opinion actually sounds more absurd than the other two opinions above, but let's try to flashback to the scene when Shanks visits Whitebeard.

When he set foot on his Whitebeard ship, Shanks took out his Haoshoku Haki with a fairly strong intensity, which caused many of Whitebeard's men to faint.

But if you look at it, not only Whitebeard's men are affected.

One part of Whitebeard's ship also suddenly cracked when Shanks set foot.

So in our opinion, what Shanks did shows that the strength of Haoshoku Haki is not only intimidating living objects such as humans and animals, but also objects such as wood and wind can also be affected.

By using the power of 10 Magic Stones, all Elves finally succeeded in being reincarnated into the human body in Black Clover manga chapter 149.

The dead Elf souls are called back to the world to occupy the human body which has the same wave of frequency as them, when they were still alive.

As a result of these forbidden moves, many of the residents of Clover Kingdom were now possessed by the reincarnation of the Elves.

No exception, the Royal Knights who are currently carrying out invasion missions against the White Night Demon Eye headquarters.

Logically, it is only natural that the chosen Royal Knights become new bodies for the reincarnated Elves.

Royal Knights are selected magic knights which have a large number. They include those who are loved by whom.

And the Elves, are told as people who are very loved by which. So it's natural that the upper-class magic knights who have large numbers have which frequency is the same as the deceased Elves.

So that their body was chosen as a new body for the reincarnations of the Elves.

This resurrection of the Elves in the human body, marks the beginning of the Elf's revenge plan on humans pioneered by the False Licht.

But if you look, from all the reincarnated Elves, it seems like there is one Elf who is not called back to the world.

Namely the original Licht.

In fact, according to the story of the fake Licht, Elf who had activated his reincarnation magic was the original Licht.

But why when this reincarnation magic was perfected by the fake Licht, did the original Licht become the only Elf who wasn't incarnated?

And strangely enough, it seems like none of the reincarnated Elves realized that Licht who was now in front of them was a fake Licht.

Even though it's clear which type and magic power is different from Licht they knew first.

Another oddity, based on the story of flashback in manga chapter 148, the fake Licht is a big fan of the original Licht.

So that it should, reviving the original Licht is its main priority.

But why is that happening now, precisely the original Licht became the only Elf who didn't come reincarnated ???

Horok, piye jal ???

Yes, the original Licht was not incarnated because his body had been worn by the fake Licht?

I don't think so, because of this reincarnation magic, it does not return the Elf soul into its original body, but only puts the dead Elf soul into the human body which has a wave frequency which is the same as it.

So it would make more sense if the original Licht was not reincarnated because there wasn't a single human resident of Clover Kingdom who had the same frequency of waves as him.

Maybe the frequency of the waves that the original Licht has is very unique, so that no human has the same wave and the same type of magic as him.

Or, the original Licht soul is in a condition that does not allow it to be reincarnated using this magic.

For example, his soul was sealed in a Grimoire, or actually Licht had indeed been reincarnated before this Edo Tensei style was activated by the fake Licht,

Because during the tragedy of the Elf massacre by humans, no one knew for sure what really happened to the original Licht. Aside from him being the last Elf who still appears to be standing, in his memory the Patoli is currently claiming to be Licht..

Asta's unexpected presence increased new hopes for Magna and Vanesha to be able to awaken the Luck from the influence of the Elf reincarnation magic.

As we know, for now the third demonic sword power of Asta is the only tool that can neutralize the forbidden magic, like what was shown in manga chapter 159 then.

And to face Luck, who now calls himself Lufuru, whose current form looks like a god of lightning in Japanese mythology, Asta goes directly to Black Form mode.

Can Asta handle Luck's strength and speed which now flows the Elf's strength in his body?

The battle between Devil vs Fairy began again!

Manga Black Clover chapter 162, the contents are full of battles between Asta, Magna, and Vanesha vs Luck Reincarnation or Lufuru.

In the form of his "Lightning God", Lufuru's movements became extremely fast. As fast as lightning, of course.

He was also PeDe, so sure, if with the current speed of movement there would be no human who could handle it. Especially just a child who is unable to feel Mana.

His guess is wrong. Asta's body was able to react to handle the lightning speed of Lufuru.

It's true, Asta can't feel Mana, but keep in mind, Asta has been trained by Captain Yami to feel Ki since their first duet when fighting Licht.

Besides that, the super fast reaction of Asta was also supported by the responsiveness of her third demon sword to the Mana beam.

According to Asta's words, this sword reaction is so sensitive to the beam of a large mana.

This is new information, about the other abilities of the third sword Asta. CATET !!!

Then, coupled with its Black Form mode, Asta is not only able to react to fend off any of Lufuru's lightning attacks. But he was also able to pursue.

Unfortunately, Lufuru is not the type of fighter who only relies on strength and speed, but he is also a typical fighter who is very clever in managing strategies.

Asta who is already on the limit of the Black Form, because they have used the mode twice a day, have to cooperate with Magna and Vanesha to launch the final attack before the Black Form runs out

And this is unique, Asta ruffled the ruins around her to trick Lufuru's sight.

Lufuru thought, Asta did this because Asta did not have an Mana beam, so if the surroundings were covered in fog, Lufuru would not be able to detect its movements.

What Lufuru is thinking about, just as Luck used to plan with Asta and Noelle when they fought against the mist witch from the kingdom of Diamond, Lotus Whomalt.

Could this indicate that the Elf reincarnation that inhabits one's body is unconsciously able to access the original memories of the owner of the original body?


And to overcome the plan that looks exactly the same as it used to be that Luck was planned, Lufuru, spread the beam where the electricity is in all directions.

If the beam is cut off by Asta's anti-magic sword, then she can know Asta's position even though she doesn't see it directly and can't feel what it is.

Binggo !!! The plan was a success, and he could know that Asta was moving straight towards him.

But one thing he doesn't know is, Asta doesn't attack alone.

I don't know when, where or how, Asta, Magna, and Vanesha turned out to be planning something very brilliant.

When Lufuru was so confident that he would be able to tear Asta with his electric claws, Asta's movement was stopped instantly, because it was stopped by Vanesha using his thread magic.

When Lufuru scratches missed because of a miscalculation due to Asta stopping suddenly, Magna throws a fireball to cut Vanesha's thread, so Asta can go back and slam her anti-magic sword into Lufuru's body.

And PLOK !!! Looks like this time the Sword of Asta succeeded in blocking Lufuru right in his head.

If what we think about is true, then it is certain that the upcoming dichapter Luck is fully aware of the consequences of this friend's koplokkan.

And after reading the whole story in chapter 162, we drew an amazing conclusion.

The pearl of the message from the black clover manga chapter 162 is that sometimes friends overtake your head not because of hate, but because of love and attention.

After rereading chapter 821 of the manga one piece, and then deepening it by watching the one piece anime episode 774, we found something interesting with its fleet, Jack The Drought, one of Kaido's 3 Calamity.

When visiting Zou Island for the second time, Jack came with five fleets.

One fleet with an Elephant head symbol in front of it, which was mounted by Jack. And the four ships with scorpion symbols in front of them were mounted by their soldiers.

It is natural that the Elephant head is trademarked for his ship Jack, because Jack is the user of the power of the Mammoth type Ancient Zoan demon fruit.

But why do the other four fleets not use the same logo? Why does it actually form a scorpion, not an Elephant head too ???

Even though all of them entered the squad led by Jack the king of Mammoth ???

And again, in the anime episode 770, when he raided the Marines who brought Doflamingo, Jack was seen only carrying one ship.
Horok !!!

Because of this oddity, we came to think, what if the four fleets belonged to another Calamity.

Maybe after Jack was blocked by Sengoku featuring Fujitora and Tsuru, the aid fleet sent by another Calamity came to save him.

That is why the animal logo on the four ships is different from the ship Jack.

As we know, Kaido has 3 highest commanders called 3 Calamity. One of them is Jack.

While the other two Calamity, until chapter 916 of the manga, the nose has not yet been raised.

And so far, Kaido's top figures, including the Headliners and Calamity, have names related to poker cards, such as Sheepshead, Holdem, Scotch, and Jack.

So, One Piece theorists unofficially agreed that Kaido's 3 Calamity also took the poker card theme.

Apart from the mystery of Asta's five-leaf Grimoire clover, one of the biggest mysteries in the Black Clover series is about Nero.

Nero is an anti-bird or anti-magic bird that has always been sticking to Asta since he first met in the Magic Knight Exam.

This Anti Birds is a bird species whose hobby disturbs people who have low quality or magic power.

It is said that this bird was only released when the Magic Knight Test season began to disturb candidates who had weak magic knights.

The weaker which power a person has, the more the anti birds dare to bother him.

And Asta is a person who does not have the slightest bit in his body. Therefore he was immediately surrounded by a lot of anti-birds when he was going to take the Magic Knight test.

But unique, there is one anti-bird that really doesn't want to escape from it. Even he was willing to hide in Asta's clothes for days, and only came out when Asta got her first mission to Sosshi village.

This anti birds is then given the name Nero by Luck.

Unlike most anti-birds, Nero has physical characteristics that are different from other anti-birds.

One of the most striking that distinguishes it from other anti birds is the two crests on its head that resemble demon horns, and two tapered tail feathers like a hook that looks like a demon tail.

This then led to the theory that Nero had a relationship with the devil who had been defeated by the First Magic Emperor.

What's more, the person who was the host was a five-leaf Grimoire demon user.

And the strangeness about Nero is becoming increasingly interesting to discuss because it seems that Nero also has a strong interest in magic stones targeted by a mysterious organization called the White Night Eye.

The White Night Eye group has an organizational symbol that resembles a key with a three-eye shaped handle.

And their three strongest wizards, or just think of their 3 division commanders, had a three-edged demonic form change.

Similar to the characteristics of demons that were defeated by the First Magic Emperor.

With this series of facts, our complete suspicion of Nero might be part of the White Night Eye.

Or even more extreme, Nero is the real leader of White Night Eye who has manipulated Licht, the current leader of the White Night Eye.

Licht himself is said to be someone from the fairy nation. These fairies were the only race that could use the power of the Stones magic.

By using the power of these Magic Stones, they could summon a three-eyed Demon God.

Which seemed like this three-eyed Demon God was a demon defeated by the first magic emperor.

And based on the latest facts, elf elders or call it the fairy king, is the real owner of the anti magic weapon. Including two demon swords that are always used by Asta.

This way it is increasingly clear that the red thread between Asta, Devil Grimoire, the fairy nation, Anti Magic Weapon, and Nero.

Our conclusion is ... Or rather, our theory is ...

The battle between the first magic emperor and the devil was a battle between humans and fairy nations. The magic emperor represents humans, while the demon or Demon God represents fairies.

According to our analysis, fairies themselves are divided into 2 sects, one of which wants to live side by side with humans, while the other considers humans to be enemies.

And who considered humans to be enemies was a sect that summoned the Demon God to destroy Clover Kingdom.

We think this sect is contrary to the policies of the previous Elf King who wanted the Elves to coexist with humans.

As we know, Elf King is the original owner of Anti Magic Weapon. So, it is very likely that this Asta is descended from the Elf King.

Because as we know, there is one chapter in the manga, which I forget what chapter, which seems to say that the parents of Yuno and Asta are Elves.

Therefore Asta has the ability to use anti magic weapons like the Elf King. And Yuno got a 4-leaf Clover Grimoire like the First Magic Emperor.

We think that the demonic magic and anti-magic weapons used by Asta and the Fairy King are not dark magic. It's magic that is specifically created to kill demons, or Demon Slayer Magic.

Besides that, we think the legend about the magic emperor who defeated the devil alone is a legend that has been engineered.

Maybe what really happened was that the Magic Emperor was assisted by the Fairy King to defeat the Demon God or Demon God.

However, because of the presence of the Demon God itself, it was a result of the actions of one of the elves, so King Peri requested that he be hidden from the history of the Kingdom of Clover.

Well because at this time a descendant of a fairy nation named Licht began to reassemble the Magic Stone to raise up the Demon God, then the 5-leaf Grimoire of King Elves re-appeared in the world to overcome this.

But ironically, the Grimoire used by Licht is actually very similar to the Grimoire that was used by the First Magic Emperor, the 4-leaf Grimoire clover with light elements.

We think that history is also related to Nero.

In our opinion, Nero was so interested in Magic Stone and Asta not because he was a member of the White Night Eye. But just the opposite.

By approaching Asta and saving the Magic Stone, Nero intends to prevent the dark history of the Kingdom of Clover from happening again. Preventing the Demon God from rising again.

If we are not mistaken, there are 10 holes in the magic stone on a white stone that belongs to White Night Eye.

If there are not 10 complete stones collected, then the Demon God cannot be summoned.

As we predicted in our previous video review, Luffy really competed with Sumo against Urashima.

But we didn't expect that Luffy's unbeaten record when playing Sumo against Usopp was a calculated item in this one sport.

And again, Luffy seems to know the rules of a Sumo match very well. It can be seen from his words about fairplay when Urashima tried to catch Luffy's eyes using his two fingers.

At first we thought Luffy would use Gear 4's form to equalize his heavyweight with Urashima.

But he didn't do that. He only uses normal form, and only uses Gear 3 to throw Urashima out of the ring until he leaves the city in a single shot.

The defeat of this allegedly invincible wrestler, made the minds of the residents of Wano who watched it became aware of the situation.

One of the spectators even immediately realized that the person who was nearby was Zoro the killer of the local judge.

So that suddenly a trio of troublemakers consisting of Zoro the judge's murderer, Luffy the Sumo wrestler and the beautiful Samurai Kiku.

With a loud voice, Luffy said that their arrival was aimed at saving O Tama who was kidnapped by Holdem's men.

That makes Holdem's men arrive to gang up on them.

But of course they were no match for Luffy and Zoro, but what caught our attention was the behavior of O Kiku.

Seeing enemies coming in, Kiku, who in the previous chapter proudly acknowledged himself as a samurai, was even confused about what to do.

It's very obvious here that Kiku is still an amateur. Or maybe he is actually good at sword but lacks fighting experience.

This added to our suspicion that the Kiku was actually a princess.

There are two main things that underlie our suspicion.

First, in Chapter 914 yesterday, Kiku used the pronoun "Sessha" instead of "watashi" or "boku" to refer to himself.

The word "Sessha" was commonly used by samuria in the Edo period, but not for a woman.

Even Zoro whose IQ was below average was surprised when he first heard Kiku mention "Sessha."

We feel, Kiku uses "Sessha" not because he is an Okama, but because he wants to convince the people around him that he is a samurai.

But he didn't realize that the word he used was unusual.

Secondly, in Chapter 916, Kiku was confused what to do when many enemies arrived.

This proves that all this time, Kiku hasn't been used to the real fight. He is still amateur.

Maybe all this time he only used the sword to fight the trainer or his teacher.

So that even though his sword skills were quite great, he had never hurt anyone with his sword.

And people who often practice swords but have never hurt people with their swords, are usually the children of rulers who grow up in the palace.

Secondly this is what makes us even more suspicious that O Kiku is actually a princess, whether it's the daughter of one of the Daimyo families in power in Wano or the Princess of the Kozuki family.

Now go on to the manga story ...

When Luffy, Zoro and Kiku were busy making trouble in the middle of the city, the initial Holdem reluctantly came to meet them because they were busy pinching O Tama's cheeks using catut, finally coming to the scene.

As it turned out, Urashima was thrown by Luffy until he came out Ring, exiting the local RT to RW area, raiding his house Holdem, to make his residence destroyed.

So there is no other choice for Holdem than to meet the troublemaker.

But Holdem appears in the TPK not alone. He came by taking O Tama as a hostage.

He positioned O Tama in the lion's mouth in his stomach, so that he was ready to hit anytime if the situation required it.

Well, we go back a little.

When Holdem was busy torturing O Tama, he also mentioned the number "20 years ago" to tell about the Kozuki clan.

He said, 20 years ago, the Kozuki Clan planned to destroy the land of Wano.

Manga One Piece Chapter 918 presents a mystery that is very difficult to explain in a common sense.

At the end of this chapter, the tomb of the characters who have been wandering around the Straw Hats is shown.

At the top of the hill, around the ruins of Oden castle, there are 8 mysterious tombs on which the tombstones are named Oden Kozuki, Momonosuke Kozuki, Kinemon Waiter, Kanjuro Waiter, and Raizo Waiter.

Even though now we know, Momonosuke is on Zou Island to interview Zunisha, while Kinemon, Kanjuro, and Raizo, go to accompany the Trafalgar alliance and Straw Hat infiltrate Wano.

Quite strange indeed, in chapter 822, it was confirmed that Kinemon, Kanjuro, and Raizo would go to take Zoro, Trafalgar Law and others to infiltrate Wano's country,

But when he entered the Wano Arc, Kinemon, Kanjuro, and Raizo did not appear to accompany Law or one of the straw hat members.

Their existence seemed to disappear in the Earth, after Kinemon explained his plan to Law and the Straw Hat members in an old house.

And now, on the top of the hill not far from the collapse of Oden castle, found a tomb written in their names.

So for now, arguably, the key to explaining the phenomenon of the ghoib is simply to ask directly to Kinemon, Kanjuro, or Raizo.

The problem now, the existence of all three seems to disappear without a trace.

So we feel the mystery of the eight graves will be solved long enough.

For this reason, on this occasion I will try to trace the red thread. Starting from the Straw Hats meeting with Kinemon and Momonosuke on Punk Hazard.

It is said that Punk Hazard was created from the result of a phenomenal duel between Akainu and Aokiji about half a year after the Marineford War to fight for the position of Admiral.

Several months before the arrival of the Straw Hats, Trafalgar Law came to the island. And after a while, Kinemon just arrived at Punk Hazard to look for Momonosuke.

That means, the arrival of Momonosuke and Kinemon on Punk Hazard occurred less than half a year after Time Skip.

And Kinemon only managed to find Momonosuke after Time Skip, precisely after the Straw Hats arrived at Punk Hazard.

This is too far from the theory which states that Momonosuke left Wano about 20 years before.

Continue again.

After Kinemon met Momonosuke on Punk Hazard, they then joined the Straw Hat group to Dresrosa to look for Kanjuro.

It was here that Kanjuro was finally found in the underground city of Dressrosa as one of Doflamingo's prisoners.

OK until here, there is nothing strange, and there are no Kaido men who are chasing Kinemon, Kanjuro, and Momonosuke.

Next, after the Dressrosa Arc was finished, Kinemon, Kanjuro, and Momonosuke joined again with the Straw Hat group heading for Zou Island to find Raizo.

And once they arrived at Zou, they found that the city was in disarray because one of Kaido's Calamity named Jack devastated the whole city to find a Samurai Wano named Raizo. People who are also sought after by Kinemon, Kanjuro, and Momonosuke.

It's getting weird here.

Jack's mission is only to find Raizo. Only Raizo. He did not mention the name Kinemon, Kanjuro, or Momonosuke. Only Raizo.

And his goal was to find Raizo unclear. But it was later discovered that his aim was to find Raizo because Kaido wanted to drain information from him about King Oden's journey in finding Raftel with Gol D Roger.

In other words, Kaido thought Raizo was accompanying King Oden to sail with Roger to enter Raftel.

This will become even more strange when associated with the grave of the Kozuki family in chapter 918.

The name of Raizo's name was written on the tombstone, but in reality Jack was looking for Raizo to Zou Island. That means Jack knows that Raizo is still alive.

Now this will be even more strange, when it is associated with a story from O Tsuru which mentions that the Oden Kozuki family has been couped 20 years ago.

And again, the tombstones near the ruins of Oden castle looked very worn, and mossy as if showing that the tomb had indeed been there since 20 years ago too.

But if Kaido and Orochi's massacre of the Kozuki family took place 20 years ago, why until now is Momonosuke still a child?

Even though in the flashback story, Momonosuke really saw the incident when Kaido massacred his family

As we had expected in the previous video review, the person who would come to help Leo was his brother, Fuegoleon.

But we couldn't end up thinking that Fuegoleon would come with a new power that was far more awesome than before.

After mysteriously rising from a coma, Fuegoleon now has a Salamander type fire spirit magic.

Fuegoleon's spirit magic looks exactly the same as Fana's spirit magic, one of the 3 Third Eye.

Could this mean that Fana who was currently one of the Elf's reincarnations, no longer had the Salamander magic spirit ???

Or he still has it, so there are currently two Salamanders hanging around in Clover Kingdom ???

In our opinion, every magic element only has one magic spirit.

Yuno's Bell is the only wind type magic spirit, and the Salamander is the only magic pyrite from the fire element.

So that the Salamander in the hands of Fuegoleon at this time is the Salamander which is the same as that which Fana had had before he was possessed by an Elf soul.

We felt that after Fana had been possessed by an Elf soul, automatically the soul that controlled his body was not Fana's soul anymore, so the bond of his contract with the Salamander Spirit magic was cut off.

This is different from Yuno's case. Even though now physically Yuno has turned into an Elf reincarnation, but the soul that controls his body is still Yuno's true soul.

So that the bond with Bell is not broken like a Fana bond with the Salamander.

In our opinion, the spirit magic chooses its own master, and he will choose the strongest person who uses the element of magic.

In other words, Yuno who was chosen by Bell as his master, was the user of the strongest wind magic element in this era.

Likewise with Fuegoleon. He who is currently chosen as the Salamander's employer, is the strongest user of the element of fire at this time. Maybe it's stronger than Mereoleona.

Well, before Fuegoleon appeared with sooooo much style, in front of the Crimson Lion headquarters, there was a battle between members of Crimson Lion vs. Reincarnation Elf Randall.

Randall who was before the possessions of the Elf soul was the deputy commander of the Crimson Lion squad, obviously no match for the other members who were on duty at the headquarters.

Randall, who possessed air control type magic, was able to identify all his former subordinates. Including Leopold Vermilion, the younger brother of Captain Fuegoleon.

Realizing their strength was not a match for Randal's reincarnation, Crimson Lion members told Leopold to go save themselves.

But it's not Leopold's name if it follows such a request.

Leo chose to keep fighting, for the sake of the Pride of Crimson Lion, one of the strongest magic knight squads in Clover Kingdom.

And it seems that, in this reckless fight against Randall, Leopold succeeded in arousing his wild animal instincts, which seemed to work similar to Ki's which was studied by Asta.

But the resurgence of instinct, was not matched by excellent physical condition. Where on Leo's body has run out.

Even though his fighting Spirit is still high, his physical condition is no longer possible. Even to stand up, I can't afford it.

And in those critical moments, he sensed which mysterious energy appeared above him.

Maybe the point is above the Crimson Lion tower where Fuegoleon is being treated.

When you first feel it, Leo does not recognize which beam at all. He instead thought that the beam was the property of another Elf reincarnation.

But who would have thought when he was almost finished, the entire Crimson was suddenly enveloped in fire, and Fuegoleon appeared in a state of fresh fit from within the palace.

After seeing Fuegoleon appear, Leo just found the property of his brother.

This implements the former Fuegoleon was not the current Fuegoleon.

And with his new strength, he not only surprised the entire squad, but also the Elf reincarnation.

Seeing Fuegoleon appear together with the Salamander, Reincarnation Randall immediately looked panicked

A very unexpected event occurred in the ending of One Piece manga chapter 907, where Akagami No Shanks surprisingly appeared in Mariejoa to hold a secret meeting with the Gorosei.

In this very short scene, Shanks asked the Gorosei to talk about a pirate group or a group.

Many fans then speculated that the pirates referred to by Shanks were pirate Rocks, because at the beginning of this chapter Garp and the other Vice Admirals were discussing legendary pirates before the Roger Era who is said to have links with Kaido and Big Mom.

And the purpose of Shanks coming to meet the Gorosei is to warn them about indications of the revival of the pirate Rocks.

But if you think about it, what's in it for Shanks to warn the Gorosei?

Shanks' meeting with the Gorosei clearly cannot be compared to Shanks's meeting with Whitebeard about 3 years ago, where Shanks came alone to Moby Dick to warn Whitebeard that he should prevent Ace from hunting Kurohige.

Shanks knew for sure how dangerous Kurohige was, because he had once been involved in friction with him, so he wanted Ace to stop chasing him.

It is possible that Shanks also knew that Ace was Gol D Roger's son, so he did not want anything bad to happen to the former captain's son.

But Shanks also realized that nothing could stop Ace, except Whitebeard. So Shanks took the initiative to meet Whitebeard.

While for this case it's different.

What Shanks met was the Gorosei, a person who had no connection with him or anyone closest to him.

Where should anything that happens to the Gorosei, is not Shanks's business at all. There is absolutely no disadvantage for Shanks to worry about the safety of the Gorosei.

Well, because there is no benefit for Shanks if he comes all the way alone to Mariejoa just to warn the Gorosei about indications of the rise of the Pirate Rocks, then who is the pirate Shanks meant and what is the purpose of Shanks talking about the Gorosei?

In our previous theory we speculated that the Gorosei and Im-Sama were ancient pirates who couped The Great Kingdom.

And this discussion is still related to this.

In our opinion the pirate Shanks wanted to talk to the Gorosei was the Gorosei itself.

We feel that Shanks, a former Pirate king Gol D Roger, who was also believed to inherit his straw hat, had long known about the Gorosei secret from Roger.

Shanks might also know about the connection between the straw hat he inherited from Roger with a giant straw hat hidden in Mariejoa.

It's just that maybe Shanks still doesn't know about the existence of Im Same.

We think Shanks' arrival in Mariejoa to meet the Gorosei is to pressure them.

Shanks threatens to divulge the Gorosei's secrets if they do not want to obey his wishes.

Then, what does Shanks want that can only be granted by the Gorosei?

As we know, there is currently a big upheaval in the land of Wano. Where the Straw Hat Luffy is making a move to overthrow the Kaido Yonko.

On the other hand, Big Mom is also moving towards Wano to finish his business with Luffy.

While in other places, it seems that the Kurohige is watching and waiting for the right time to fish in the murky waters.

There are three Yonko people who are also involved in the big waves that will occur in the land of Wano.

While the World Government, through its navy, is reluctant to interfere because of their Fleet Admiral, Akainu said that Wano was not part of the World Government.

The land of the samurai is outside the jurisdiction of the World Government, so the Marine has no authority to interfere with the problems that occur within the country.

Even though the results of the big battle at Wano will have a major impact on the balance and stability of the World.

Especially based on the latest information, the World Government apparently bought weapons for its navy from Kaido's weapons factory.

So we feel, Shanks' goal to meet the Gorosei is to pressure them to send troops to Wano, because Shanks himself is not sure he will be able to stop the chaos made by the Yonko as he stopped the war at Marineford.

Because Shanks is not even sure that he will be able to handle his fellow Yonkon himself, it's only natural that he isn't sure that Luffy will be able to face Big Mom and Kaido + Kurohige at once alone.

Worried about Luffy's fate, Shanks then tried to find other reinforcements. Where the choice then falls to the navy.

The Four Emperors  are the most feareless pirate leaders in the One Piece world, who, alongside their powerful crews and numerous allies, each rule over large territories of the New World like overlords. They are widely considered to be the strongest pirates in the world as well as the candidates closest to becoming the Pirate King, and a single Emperor's crew and alliance is strong enough to challenge the World Government's forces. Thankfully for the world at large, the Four Emperors function independently from each other, sometimes fighting each other in power struggles mainly contained within the New World part of Grand Line.

Amongst the original four, only Shanks and Whitebeard were seen to be benevolent, while Big Mom and Kaido were far more immoral and nefarious. While only Blackbeard's (absolutely massive) bounty has been revealed thus far, they are all undoubtedly among those whose bounties go up to at least ten figures — a level of bounty reserved for people whom the government and onlookers consider to be near-unstoppable monsters.

The once-dreaded power of the Emperors has since been challenged by newer, bolder generations of pirates: Whitebeard lost his life in a War Arc with the Marines, and his killer, Blackbeard, officially replaced him over the course of the following year after he took over the former's territories and defeated the remnants of his crew; Linlin lost two of her ally ships to Kid, who formed an alliance with Hawkins and Apoo (two more Supernovas) to bring down Red-Haired Shanks (only for their alliance to be attacked by Kaido, who inducted Apoo and Hawkins as allies and captured and brutalized Kid); Monkey D. Luffy (one more Supernova) publicly challenged Big Mom for authority over Fish-Man Island; and Trafalgar Law (both a Supernova and a former Warlord of the Sea), is actively working with Luffy to take down Kaido.

Also known as the "Underwater Prison" or the "Great Prison", Impel Down is the World Government's prison for all kinds of criminals and pirates. Imagine a fusion between Alcatraz and the "Inferno" of The Divine Comedy and you get the idea.

The prison is divided into six levels. The higher number of the level, the higher the bounties of the prisoners kept inside, and on each level there is a different kind of torture:

    Level 1: Crimson Hell: The prisoners are forced to run from the guards and the blue gorillas through a forest made of trees with leaves as sharp as razors. For this reason, the leaves, stained by the prisoners' blood, appear red.There's a giant hole that leads to level 2. Buggy used to be in this level
    Level 2: Wild Beast Hell: The halls are inhabited by dangerous beasts like manticores, giant scorpions and a basilisk who chase and devour any prisoner they enconter, while a large sphinx guards the exit. For this reason, the prisoners prefer to stay in the jails.He says that all the prisoners from this level have a bounty higher than his (15 million berries).
    Level 3: Starvation Hell: This level is hot and has a desert-like terrain, while the prisoners are kept in a near death state, fed just enough water and food to keep them from starving..
    Level 4: Blazing Hell: This level is even hotter than level 3 (whose heat in fact comes from the level below) due to the presence of a large pool with boiling blood. There the prisoners are constantly working supplying wood logs in the pool or under torture. Daz Bones used to be kept in this level.
    Level 5: Freezing Hell: In contrast to the level above, this one is a desolate tundra where prisoners either die because of the freezing cold (which is so intense the prisoners lose pieces of their bodies due to frostbites) or starvation (due to the food becoming frozen and inedible). In this level there is also the wolf unit, that has been moved from level 2 to level 5 because the wolves used to hunt down and eat the other beasts! Criminals with a bounty higher than 100 million are kept here, and Magellan sends Luffy here after having captured him.
    Level 5.5 : Newkama Land: It's inhabitated by okamas and ruled by "Queen" Ivankov. After the latter escapes with Luffy, Bentham becomes the new "Queen".
    Level 6: Eternal Hell: The lowest level, reserved exclusively for criminals so strong and/or dangerous that they are basically "erased" from history, to the point that even this level's existence is considered a legend. The prisoners are fed and left alone, letting them die out of boredom, like Shiki who, after a while, was almost Driven to Suicide. Ace used to be here before being moved for his execution. Jinbe and some of the athere  new Blackbeard Pirates used to be here too. After his defeat and capture, Doflamingo is being kept here.

One Piece 944  are here and today we will be discussing One Piece Manga 944 Spoilers and the details we have on the upcoming chapter.

Oda releases one one chapter every week and this week they release One Piece Manga 943 and we got to see many things, Yasuie is dead and the whole Ebisu town is sad but unfortunately, they cannot even show their sadness because of the smile fruits they were fed by the current shogun of Orochi and because of the artificial devil fruits named “smiles” they have lost the all their feelings of sadness and anger and they can only laugh no matter how tragic the situation is.

One Piece Manga 943 gave us an insight into Kaido’s crew and we got to know that Kaido’s crew is split into three main forces and those three forces are called The Gifters, The Pleasures, and The Waiters.
The smile devil fruits have only a 10% chance of success and because of which 9 out of 10 people who eat the fruit don’t get the beast powers and are left with the side effects of the fruit only. Shogun Orochi took advantage of the fact that only 10% of the devil fruit works and started sending the faulty fruits to the Ebisu town with the leftover and the whole town consumed those faulty fruits and now can only smile no matter what situation it is.

There are many theories circling around the web and we will be covering some of them in this article. Zoro And Sanji have revealed themselves in front of shogun Orochi and all the Ebisu town people in order to save Toko from Orochi and now everyone is excited as to what will be in the  chapter One Piece Manga 944.

Zoro And Sanji will either take Toko and run from there or they will have to fight Orochi and the Kaido crew, Sanji and Zoro have revealed themselves and this may affect the alliance and the fight against Kaido.

If Zoro and Sanji are to fight who will they be fighting against and there is a high chance that they will be fighting against Orochi and if this fight happens the next chapter is going to be a big one and will surely set the wheels into motion and the Luffy Vs Kaido will happen sooner than we expected but as well all know that Luffy is still not ready for the fight and he needs some time to learn new techniques.

The twenty old navigator of the Straw Hats, and the second of Luffy's recruits. she was introduced as a thief who detested pirates and stole from them, tagging along Luffy with dubious loyalty to him. However, it is revealed that her surrogate home, the Conomi Archipelago, was occupied by the Arlong Pirates and she only wished to buy her home back. When Luffy freed the archipelago from Arlong's grip,Nami fully joined the Straw Hats afterward.

Nami is an exceptional navigator, able to read the weather with perfect accuracy then give instructions to pilot the ship through any storm, and is responsible for showing the way to the next island. Although Nami isn't strong like her crewmates, she uses a weapon called the Clima-Tact, later upgraded to the Perfect Clima-Tact and currently the Sorcery Clima-Tact to manipulate the weather on a small scale, giving her a great range of tricks and attacks. Her thievery skills are also quite useful from time to time.

Nami's years of thievery have given her a sly and wily personality, as she isn't above taking advantage of or blackmailing her own crew mates. Despite these greedy personality traits, she is still very loyal to the crew, though they do get on her nerves from time to time.

Her dream is to draw a map of the world, which she was unable to realize until Luffy managed to free her and her island from the tyrannical rule of the Fish-man pirate Arlong. She owes a great deal to the others and especially Luffy for this, and is often the only member of the crew other than Zoro to personally confront or remind him of the deep.

Roronoa Zoro is the nineteen old swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates. Recruited as a mildly notorious bounty hunter in East Blue .hence his Pirate Hunter moniker, he grows into a monstruously powerful man who doesn't even need a Devil Fruit ability, using a unique Santoryu Three Sword Style in battle, wielding a sword in each hand along with one in the mouth. After the time skip, he manages to master Haki as well. Zoro mostly drinks and sleeps in his spare time (when he's not training his ass off), but becomes a real demon in battle that can defeat five hundred Mooks in two seconds. Often wears a green bandanna on his forearm that he ties around his head when he gets dangerous. Moreover, he is Luffy's Number Two, sometimes acting as a voice of authority when the crew's future must be decided, and regularly happens to battle The Dragon of the current Big Bad the crew are fighting, which is an occasion to hone his swordsmanship.

Similar to Luffy's goal, He wishes to become the greatest swordsman in the world as a promise to his childhood rival Kuina, whom he wanted to win against but never could because she died in an accident. Unlike Luffy, however, he needs only to defeat Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk, the current greatest swordsman in the world, to do so. Zoro actually meets up with Mihawk  early in the story, but failed to land a single hit and was sliced by Mihawk's BFS for his trouble. Mihawk, however, held back just enough to leave Zoro alive, and told him to challenge him again when he was ready. In a strange twist of events, he is trained by Mihawk to be a stronger swordsman to protect his crew. Zoro giving up his pride for the sake of others impresses Mihawk .
Mainly because of his strength and for going alongside Luffy's battles, Zoro is counted as a member of "The Worst Generation" like his captain.

Sanji is the crew's chain-smoking, nineteen/twenty-one-year-old chef. There is not a dish he cannot cook, a pretty girl he will not try to woo, or something he will not argue with Zoro over. As a chef,sanji believes that he cannot afford to harm his hands, and so uses a fighting style which uses only his feet called the "Black Leg Style" (Kuroashi no Waza). He and Zoro argue and fight so regularly that it almost borders on Foe Yay.

Sanji dream is to find a legendary patch of sea called All Blue, where one can find species of fish from all over the world. His mentor, former-pirate-turned-restaurant-owner Zeff, is one he shares his dreams with, and Sanji worked under him as a way to pay Zeff back for saving his life when the two were stuck on a rock with barely any food when he was a child.

Sanji has also shown some Butt-Monkey tendencies lately, as he's become the butt of an ever-increasing list of jokes, including a ugly, poorly drawn bounty poster that no one has any trouble identifying him with, a man who resembles said bounty poster coming for revenge, and most recently, Kuma blasting him to an island filled with, of all things, drag queens, leading him to declare that he is in Hell. While there, he learns of a special recipe to make the consumer stronger and trains with the 99 Newkama Kenpo masters.

Sanji is the fourth child of the Vinsmoke family, an infamous family of rulers-killers who once conquered the North Blue. Sanji had a highly abusive upbringing, and later cut himself off from his family, sick of the awful ostracism he received for being the only child among brothers and a sister born without genetic enhancements and a spiteful reminder of how his late mother bore a suicidal devotion to have her boys retain their humanity. His father, Judge, had Sanji retrieved in order to marry him off to one of Big Mom's daughters in order to form a political alliance. This reunion is deeply animous and forced upon him and only alleviated by his kind sister's presence. Sanji later must put his friendship on the line with his crewmates to deal with the threat of disobeying his family, who commands the clone soldier army for hire called Germa 66, and an Emperor of the sea, who could easily overwhelm the Straw Hat Pirates with her massive forces.

The concept is similar to the relationship between Father and Homunculi in Fullmetal Alchemist. Mother and Homies are exactly parallel terms to Father and Homunculi. Father created Homunculi to abandon his personalities. Oppositely, Big Mom created the 3 Homies to emphasize her personalities.
This theory could explain her behaviors in Wano.
 Zeus betrayed Big Mom and no one emphasized her gluttony. As a result, Big Mom still kept her consciousness but not suffered from the Eating Disorder.Big Mom was not the one hurt by the attack, but Napoleon did. Napoleon lost its function in the sea because Homies are created by Devil Fruit power. Therefore, Big Mom completely lost her intelligence and return to a childish stage. Chopper also found out that Napoleon looked weird in ch 934.
In ch 947, Queen’s attack directly hit Napoleon.This attack helped Napoleon to get back its function so Big Mom gained her intelligence back. However, this process may be similar to Moria cutting shadow from people, which people immediately lost their consciousness after that. As a result, Big Mom immediately fell asleep.
 In addition, Zeus should be a permanent upgrade for Nami because she will still need Zeus to fight against World Government and Blackbeard Pirates after Wano. Therefore, Big Mom could not die in the end of Wano, because if she died, I highly doubt the 3 Homies could stay alive. On the other hand, if Zeus is responsible for Big Mom’s Gluttony, it means that Zeus leaving Big Mom could permanently cure her Eating Disorder. This fact could allow Big Mom to give Zeus to Straw Hats willingly in the end of Wano. I personally believe Big Mom will retire after Wano, and Katakuri will become the new captain, because there are already some foreshadowing such as his Conqueror’s Haki and the Big Mom Pirates’ discussion about the new captain. This will be a great symbolic scene to show how Straw Hats become reconciled with Big Mom Pirates.

Yuno, who had been possessed by the reincarnation of the Elf's soul, was miraculously able to control his own body, as usual, even though his body had physically changed to become like another Elf reincarnation, which was marked by a pointed earlobe, and a tribal tattoo on his face.

This is a very unusual event.

According to Liar, the reincarnation magic had been successful with Yuno's body, but somehow Yuno still held full control of his own body.

Uniquely, Yuno was also able to use Elf's power which possessed his body well.

So Yuno is currently a human or an Elf?

In Black Clover manga chapter 155, strangeness does not only happen to Yuno's body, but also to Licht.

Even though currently Grimoire and his anti-magic sword are in front of his eyes, but Licht doesn't show any reaction.

According to Liar, this might occur as an effect of using reincarnation Magic which is the most powerful forbidden magic activated by it.

In our opinion, this happened because this Licht was not the original Licht, so he did not respond in the slightest to the existence of the anti-leaf Sword and 5-leaf clover Grimoire he had had in the past.

Well, because of experiencing the same thing, Yuno was able to know what had happened to Klaus and Hamon's body.

As we had expected before, the original soul whose body was used as a place for Elf Reincarnation, was still in its place, only, his body's control room was taken over by the soul of Elf who possessed him.

If the body's soul has a will that is stronger than the Elf's soul that possesses it, then its body control cannot be taken over by the Elf's soul.

Even though the body and body have changed to be like Elves, which are marked with tapered ears and the tribbal tattoo on his face.

This is what happened to Yuno. His will and determination were stronger than the soul of Elf who possessed him.

So that the Elf's soul cannot take control of his body, even though physically Yuno has turned into an Elf.

However, this condition could change, if in the fight against Liar and Licht, Yuno's energy would be delayed, or Yuno would get a severe injury.

His decreased physical fitness, could have an effect on his mental strength. Where in such conditions, the ELf soul inside Yuno's body can seize control of his body.

But calm down, Yuno has the wind spirit Bell who is always by his side.

We feel that this relationship between Yuno and Bell is like Jinchuriki with its seeds. So that makes Yuno immune to the influence of genjutsu. wkwkwk.

Well, because it is certain that this Yuno is the original Yuno, Yuno-Asta's collaboration began.

Asta activates her Black Form and Yuno releases her Spirit Dive.

And whether this is a coincidence or indeed this is a sign that both have complementary powers, Yuno's Spirit Dive only has one fairy wing on the left side of his back.

Previously Yuno had activated similar magic in the 132 th chapter of the manga while fighting Lil in the final of the royal knight test.

And at that time the wings that appeared also were just one side, the same as those shown in chapter 155.

That shows that Yuno's wings were only half in the first place.

As if being a counterweight to Asta's demon wings which only appeared partially just beside her right back.

Hopefully, this will not be a clue that later the two will do Fusion to perfect their strength. wkwkk,

Just the magic power combined like Sasuke's Susanoo who jogs with Naruto's Kyubi, okay.

But if both of them have to do fusion like Goku and Vegeta, so that the wings become a pair, it seems like it's better!

Just let Dragon Ball have Fusion techniques like that!

Now this combination of power between devils and fairies managed to destroy the Elf combination magic which he said could only be applied in the present era.

This attack of Asta and Yuno's combination seems to have defeated Elf Klaus and Hamon.

But we still don't know whether the effect of this attack will make Klaus and Hamon return to normal or not, or even make them seriously injured as if they were hit by a magic attack.

But certainly, this Asta and Yuno attack seems to have killed the movements of Elf Klaus and Hamon. So that in the next chapter, all that remains is the battle of Asta and Yuno vs. Liar.

Magic can be expelled through which in the form of mantras.Those without magic will be considered useless. Asta is the main character in the story. In contrast to others, He can not expel magic skills at all even he has no where at all.But he did not despair, with his hard work and high spirits he chose to exercise his physical in the hope of gaining the power of magic and becoming a Magic .

Emperor.When the ceremony of giving grimoire Asta is the only child who did not get Grimoire but finally after being pressed and facing Lebuty he got a grimoire tangled with 5 Leaves Clover.
In the grimoire there is a power that is unique and different from the usual.

Asta's power raises several questions to the audience.What kind of magic power does Asta have? How does the sword work, and how can it be removed without removing Mana? Why only Asta gets that power? Theory about Asta's magic sword power.He has a grimoire with a shabby cover and can remove a large sword from the Grimoire. Asta has a power called Anti-Magic that can undo the other magic.To expel that power to the maximum, it takes a mantra written in grimoire to extract a special magic weapon that can fend off or cut out various magical elements.To get the power of anti-magic, the required conditions are people who do not have the power of magic at all and Asta is a very suitable person as the owner of that power.Asta  5 leaf clover  means that the is Grimoire  related to the Devil. In the series it is often shown that people are surprised by Grimoire's rival Asta Yuno who has 4 clover leaves but, they are not surprised at all with Asta's Grimoire  has 5 clover leaves because of its very  is not obvious.Asta  5 leaf clover Grimoire can expel Anti-Magic power to the maximum to show itself to be a demon .when he wraps his arm with anti-magical powers.The second sword is Demon-Dweller Sword. After losing against Mars that can dispense magic quickly.Asta who was thrown and made a wall of hacur, found a shabby sword stuck in a room hidden behind a wall.He took the sword and used it against Mars.The Demon sword turns out to have the same power as the Demon-Slayer Sword, which is to cut magic.

Mars also has a painful past which makes him lost his consciousness as the side effect of being controlled by the Diamond Kingdom. This story began when the young Mars joined the Diamond Kingdom’s experiment to enhance his magic power. Mars was born into a family hailed from the Diamond Kingdom. After becoming an orphan, he was chosen as a participant in the Diamond Kingdom’s experiment to enhance his magic power. That was Mars’ first meeting with Fana who was also the participant of the experiment.During the experiment, Mars and Fana formed a bond. They promised to explore the world together. Unfortunately, the final exam of the experiment was beyond Mars’ expectation. They must fight each other in a battle royale where one survivor allowed to live and become a Mage WarriorThe battle began and the participants killed each other, including Fana who tried to murder Mars. Mars who was in danger triggered his magic to be activated by itself and attacked Fana until it kills her. His friend who he trust the most was killed by his own hand. This made Mars filled with rage and remorse.Apparently, Fana deliberately attacked Mars to kill her in order to make him a Mage Warrior who can explore the world. As she is about to breath her last breath, Fana explained that to Mars while she heals Mars’ injuries. After that Mars underwent a surgery where mage stones were embedded inside his body to enhance his magic power. He also merging Fana’s fire affinity into his Grimoire. 

Zora Ideale is a person who hates Magic Knights for their heartless behavior and won't even forgive them.  Zora's flashback story in Black Clover.When facing off against Langris, Zora suddenly remembers about his childhood. The story begins with  Zara Ideale as a Magic Knight. At that time, Zora was a good child who also respected his father. Zara was a very cheerful person, and liked to joke around with Zora during training.Then Zara gave a handmade doll to Zora. 12-year-old Zora was not interested in the doll, but his father wanted him to look after the doll.This doll would be the reference to what Zora would eventually look and be like in the future. Zara said that the Witch Zora  talk harshlyand always managed to keep promises.He is also a hero who protects the country discreetly. Zara has never forced Zora to be like that, but he just wants his child to communicate more with other people. Since the age of 15 years, he always failed to take the exam, but he did not give up so that he finally managed to become a Magic Knight.

In Clover's kingdom we have a Grimoire magic book with a three-leaf clover logo on its cover. The three leaves are said to symbolize Fate, Hope, and Love and there is a rare Grimoire with 4-leaf clover, which represent luck. It is said that the first Emperor of Magic, who had saved the Clover kingdom from demonic attacks, was a Grimoire user of this four-leaf clover. there are  2 kinds of Grimoire from the kingdom of Clover is very rare, namely Grimoire clover 5 leaf. Until now there is only 1 Grimoire Clover Leaf 5 is already known that is owned by Asta.

He did not realize it, because the Grimoire black or black color is very shabby and dirty until the logo leaves are not visible clover. Unfortunately, this Grimoire is not a symbol of goodness, because the fifth leaf in Grimoire represents the devil. It is ironic indeed, Asta who aspires to become the Emperor of Magic, without realizing it actually get a demon Grimoire.

But there is something even more ironic. Asta's Grimoire is demon Grimoire, for some reason the sword that  from within the Grimoire looks exactly like the Magic Sword used by the first Emperor of magic to defeat the devil. But, before we go into more detail about the mystery of Grimoire's Aston's fiend, we will first explain what Grimoire is. Grimoire is a kind of magic book that has a function to store all the magic spells belonging to its users. The magic spell, written in itself in Grimoire every time the owner trains or takes over a new stance.

Well writing in Grimoire is either using what language, because the owner itself may not be able to read it.Because this book functions like a magic recorder, then when the user will use his magical powers, he does not have to recite long spells; he just needs to open the Grimoire page where the spell is written. If a wizard is lazy to practice or lazy to develop his magical powers, then the contents of his Grimoire are empty. In fact there is a Grimoire it only has one sheet that there is writing. This Grimoire will choose its own owner.

And if he has chosen his master, then he can not be used by others. There is usually a special event every year to find a suitable Grimoire for a wizard. Every child whose age is 15 years old, will follow the event to be found by Grimoire that matches where, or his magic power.


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