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what we have bent in our earlier theories. This time Otaku Indonesia will again discuss the origins of Asta's Grimoire Semanggi Berdaun Lima.

And our opinion is of course based on the latest facts and data. So. Check it out !!!

The release of the manga chapter 157 yesterday, opened a new fact about the five-leaf Grimoire clover owned by Asta.

This chapter has indirectly confirmed that the Grimoire clover has five leaf Asta, it used to belong to Licht.

And it seems like the Grimoire Devil's Own Rights really still belong to Licht until now.

Because in chapter 157 looks Licht gets up and fights without using a Grimoire as he should.

If you still remember, in chapter 1 of the manga, in episode 1 of the anime, it was mentioned that a Grimoire was paired with the owner.

Once that Grimoire has chosen the owner, then the Grimoire won't be able to be used by anyone else.

And in chapter 33 of the manga, it is mentioned that the Grimoire owner died, then the Grimoire will be destroyed with him.

But does this standard also apply to the 5-leaf Grimoire clover?

In our opinion, yeah !!!

In other words, during this time Licht did not really die after the tragedy of the Elf massacre by humans. What we mean by this is of course the original Licht.

Maybe he's just in hibernation or something. Therefore his 5-leaf clover Grimoire is not destroyed from this world.

Of course you still remember, when Yuno first found Licht at the White Night Demon Eye Headquarters right?

At that moment Yuno felt a life energy emanating from the room where Licht's body was.

And when he entered the room, Licht seemed to be standing in a state of unconsciousness, or perhaps half-conscious.

And beneath it was a sword stuck on the floor.

After Licht woke up, we only found out that the sword was the third demonic sword, a sword similar to the two demon swords used by Asta.

Well, this is interesting.

It is said that this Licht has the power of sword magic. He can create magic swords anytime and anywhere.

And the Grimoire he used to store the spells of summoning his sword magic was leafy Grimoire clover 4. Not 5-leafed Clover.

Then, when he woke up from his hibernation, not even one Grimoire was beside him.

And while fighting Asta and Yuno, he also didn't seem to create a sword using his magic power.

Licht fights Yuno and Asta without using Grimoire. Greget isn't it?

He only takes Asta's Demon Dweller Sword, then uses it to defend and attack.

And he was able to bring out the full potential of the Sword found by Asta in a mysterious Dungeon perfectly.

As if he wants to show Asta, this is it! how to use the real demon sword !!!

Afterwards, if in our opinion, he seemed to intentionally release the third demonic sword that had been stuck in the room where his body was to be taken by Asta.

We speculate that way, because when Asta grabbed the third sword, Licht's face which was clipped-up looked a little.

As if he said, take it! it's a gift from me !!!

Then, when Rhya asks, why does Licht not take his 5-leaf Grimoire clover from Asta, Licht only answers it with "It's no longer mine!"

Then he told an Elf reincarnation to fly their headquarters to the Elf hometown, which turned out to be near the village of Hage. The village where Asta and Yuno came from.

Well, back to Licht's past.

When I met Tetia, and married some time later, Licht was still seen using 4-leaf Grimoire clover, not leafy 5.

But why did Rhya know that the five leaf Grimoire clover is Licht's?

In the tragedy, it was mentioned that Licht activated a forbidden magic called reincarnation magic.

We feel, at that time Licht not only activated the reincarnation magic, but he also activated another forbidden magic that made his 4 leaf Grimoire clover evolve into 5 leaf clover.

Maybe in this tragedy for the first time Licht could create an anti-magic sword to break away from magic that made him unable to use magic, and destroy the barrier that trapped them.

And Licht not only created one or two anti-magic swords. Instead of 3 anti-magic swords.

Because it creates too much anti-magic material, many of the negatives are absorbed, making the 4-leaf Grimoire clover evolve into a 5-leaf clover.

Until now it is still a mystery and quite a heated debate among the One Piece theorists about the real power of a Monkey D. Dragon.

Even though in reality their debate was more specific to what kind of Devil Fruit Dragon had.

Some argue that Dragon is a user of the power of the Dragon-type Mythical Zoan demon that can control the weather.

This opinion is getting stronger because in the manga chapter 904, the Revolutionary troop flag brought by the Bety Belo is a dragon head.

But there are also those who argue that Dragon is a wind-type user of Logia Devil Fruit. This is based on the presence of strong winds whenever Dragon appears.

But what if it turns out that Dragon controls the weather not by using Devil Fruit ??? But using Haki.

There are some things that we feel are strong enough to underlie our opinion.

First, in general, a Zoan power user will change at least part of his body before being able to use Zoan's Devil Fruit power.

But every time a strong wind blew around the Dragon, there was no change in form that happened to Dragon's body.

If Dragon is a user of the Zoan Naga demon fruit, it should at least part of his body be transformed into a dragon's body part before he can use that power.

Different conditions occur in Logia and Paramecia power users.

Paramecia users, many do not need to change their body shape to be able to use the power of the demon fruit. Fujitora and Trafalgar Law are real examples.

While some Logia users can also exert their strength, without needing to change their body into the logic element.

Aokiji can casually cycle above sea level, by freezing the surface through which the bike is running, without the need to change parts of his body to catch ice first.

Ace once made the whole ice in Drum Kingdom melt, and changed the winter which never stopped at Drum Kingdom to be a warm summer, as long as he set foot on the Island.

In fact, while in the Drum Kingdom, Ace's body did not continue to release its logia power.

However, even though Aokiji can ride casually on the surface of the sea, or Ace that changes the weather and climate in the Drum kingdom without needing to change his body shape, but both can only use one element of strength.

Aokiji only uses Ice, and Ace only uses Fire.

But look at what Dragon did in Logue Town. He not only shows his strength in one single form.

He can activate a very strong lightning strike to save Luffy from Buggy's execution. Then covered Logue Town with a rainstorm. Then throw Luffy and the others using very strong winds.

Is there maybe the power of Logia or Paramecia that can do that ??? Enel alone who has the power of lightning logia can only create lightning, it cannot create a thunder cloud! Especially creating rain.

Therefore, we actually thought what if Dragon controlled the weather using Haki. More precisely Haoshoku Haki.

Maybe our opinion actually sounds more absurd than the other two opinions above, but let's try to flashback to the scene when Shanks visits Whitebeard.

When he set foot on his Whitebeard ship, Shanks took out his Haoshoku Haki with a fairly strong intensity, which caused many of Whitebeard's men to faint.

But if you look at it, not only Whitebeard's men are affected.

One part of Whitebeard's ship also suddenly cracked when Shanks set foot.

So in our opinion, what Shanks did shows that the strength of Haoshoku Haki is not only intimidating living objects such as humans and animals, but also objects such as wood and wind can also be affected.

By using the power of 10 Magic Stones, all Elves finally succeeded in being reincarnated into the human body in Black Clover manga chapter 149.

The dead Elf souls are called back to the world to occupy the human body which has the same wave of frequency as them, when they were still alive.

As a result of these forbidden moves, many of the residents of Clover Kingdom were now possessed by the reincarnation of the Elves.

No exception, the Royal Knights who are currently carrying out invasion missions against the White Night Demon Eye headquarters.

Logically, it is only natural that the chosen Royal Knights become new bodies for the reincarnated Elves.

Royal Knights are selected magic knights which have a large number. They include those who are loved by whom.

And the Elves, are told as people who are very loved by which. So it's natural that the upper-class magic knights who have large numbers have which frequency is the same as the deceased Elves.

So that their body was chosen as a new body for the reincarnations of the Elves.

This resurrection of the Elves in the human body, marks the beginning of the Elf's revenge plan on humans pioneered by the False Licht.

But if you look, from all the reincarnated Elves, it seems like there is one Elf who is not called back to the world.

Namely the original Licht.

In fact, according to the story of the fake Licht, Elf who had activated his reincarnation magic was the original Licht.

But why when this reincarnation magic was perfected by the fake Licht, did the original Licht become the only Elf who wasn't incarnated?

And strangely enough, it seems like none of the reincarnated Elves realized that Licht who was now in front of them was a fake Licht.

Even though it's clear which type and magic power is different from Licht they knew first.

Another oddity, based on the story of flashback in manga chapter 148, the fake Licht is a big fan of the original Licht.

So that it should, reviving the original Licht is its main priority.

But why is that happening now, precisely the original Licht became the only Elf who didn't come reincarnated ???

Horok, piye jal ???

Yes, the original Licht was not incarnated because his body had been worn by the fake Licht?

I don't think so, because of this reincarnation magic, it does not return the Elf soul into its original body, but only puts the dead Elf soul into the human body which has a wave frequency which is the same as it.

So it would make more sense if the original Licht was not reincarnated because there wasn't a single human resident of Clover Kingdom who had the same frequency of waves as him.

Maybe the frequency of the waves that the original Licht has is very unique, so that no human has the same wave and the same type of magic as him.

Or, the original Licht soul is in a condition that does not allow it to be reincarnated using this magic.

For example, his soul was sealed in a Grimoire, or actually Licht had indeed been reincarnated before this Edo Tensei style was activated by the fake Licht,

Because during the tragedy of the Elf massacre by humans, no one knew for sure what really happened to the original Licht. Aside from him being the last Elf who still appears to be standing, in his memory the Patoli is currently claiming to be Licht..

Asta's unexpected presence increased new hopes for Magna and Vanesha to be able to awaken the Luck from the influence of the Elf reincarnation magic.

As we know, for now the third demonic sword power of Asta is the only tool that can neutralize the forbidden magic, like what was shown in manga chapter 159 then.

And to face Luck, who now calls himself Lufuru, whose current form looks like a god of lightning in Japanese mythology, Asta goes directly to Black Form mode.

Can Asta handle Luck's strength and speed which now flows the Elf's strength in his body?

The battle between Devil vs Fairy began again!

Manga Black Clover chapter 162, the contents are full of battles between Asta, Magna, and Vanesha vs Luck Reincarnation or Lufuru.

In the form of his "Lightning God", Lufuru's movements became extremely fast. As fast as lightning, of course.

He was also PeDe, so sure, if with the current speed of movement there would be no human who could handle it. Especially just a child who is unable to feel Mana.

His guess is wrong. Asta's body was able to react to handle the lightning speed of Lufuru.

It's true, Asta can't feel Mana, but keep in mind, Asta has been trained by Captain Yami to feel Ki since their first duet when fighting Licht.

Besides that, the super fast reaction of Asta was also supported by the responsiveness of her third demon sword to the Mana beam.

According to Asta's words, this sword reaction is so sensitive to the beam of a large mana.

This is new information, about the other abilities of the third sword Asta. CATET !!!

Then, coupled with its Black Form mode, Asta is not only able to react to fend off any of Lufuru's lightning attacks. But he was also able to pursue.

Unfortunately, Lufuru is not the type of fighter who only relies on strength and speed, but he is also a typical fighter who is very clever in managing strategies.

Asta who is already on the limit of the Black Form, because they have used the mode twice a day, have to cooperate with Magna and Vanesha to launch the final attack before the Black Form runs out

And this is unique, Asta ruffled the ruins around her to trick Lufuru's sight.

Lufuru thought, Asta did this because Asta did not have an Mana beam, so if the surroundings were covered in fog, Lufuru would not be able to detect its movements.

What Lufuru is thinking about, just as Luck used to plan with Asta and Noelle when they fought against the mist witch from the kingdom of Diamond, Lotus Whomalt.

Could this indicate that the Elf reincarnation that inhabits one's body is unconsciously able to access the original memories of the owner of the original body?


And to overcome the plan that looks exactly the same as it used to be that Luck was planned, Lufuru, spread the beam where the electricity is in all directions.

If the beam is cut off by Asta's anti-magic sword, then she can know Asta's position even though she doesn't see it directly and can't feel what it is.

Binggo !!! The plan was a success, and he could know that Asta was moving straight towards him.

But one thing he doesn't know is, Asta doesn't attack alone.

I don't know when, where or how, Asta, Magna, and Vanesha turned out to be planning something very brilliant.

When Lufuru was so confident that he would be able to tear Asta with his electric claws, Asta's movement was stopped instantly, because it was stopped by Vanesha using his thread magic.

When Lufuru scratches missed because of a miscalculation due to Asta stopping suddenly, Magna throws a fireball to cut Vanesha's thread, so Asta can go back and slam her anti-magic sword into Lufuru's body.

And PLOK !!! Looks like this time the Sword of Asta succeeded in blocking Lufuru right in his head.

If what we think about is true, then it is certain that the upcoming dichapter Luck is fully aware of the consequences of this friend's koplokkan.

And after reading the whole story in chapter 162, we drew an amazing conclusion.

The pearl of the message from the black clover manga chapter 162 is that sometimes friends overtake your head not because of hate, but because of love and attention.

After rereading chapter 821 of the manga one piece, and then deepening it by watching the one piece anime episode 774, we found something interesting with its fleet, Jack The Drought, one of Kaido's 3 Calamity.

When visiting Zou Island for the second time, Jack came with five fleets.

One fleet with an Elephant head symbol in front of it, which was mounted by Jack. And the four ships with scorpion symbols in front of them were mounted by their soldiers.

It is natural that the Elephant head is trademarked for his ship Jack, because Jack is the user of the power of the Mammoth type Ancient Zoan demon fruit.

But why do the other four fleets not use the same logo? Why does it actually form a scorpion, not an Elephant head too ???

Even though all of them entered the squad led by Jack the king of Mammoth ???

And again, in the anime episode 770, when he raided the Marines who brought Doflamingo, Jack was seen only carrying one ship.
Horok !!!

Because of this oddity, we came to think, what if the four fleets belonged to another Calamity.

Maybe after Jack was blocked by Sengoku featuring Fujitora and Tsuru, the aid fleet sent by another Calamity came to save him.

That is why the animal logo on the four ships is different from the ship Jack.

As we know, Kaido has 3 highest commanders called 3 Calamity. One of them is Jack.

While the other two Calamity, until chapter 916 of the manga, the nose has not yet been raised.

And so far, Kaido's top figures, including the Headliners and Calamity, have names related to poker cards, such as Sheepshead, Holdem, Scotch, and Jack.

So, One Piece theorists unofficially agreed that Kaido's 3 Calamity also took the poker card theme.

Apart from the mystery of Asta's five-leaf Grimoire clover, one of the biggest mysteries in the Black Clover series is about Nero.

Nero is an anti-bird or anti-magic bird that has always been sticking to Asta since he first met in the Magic Knight Exam.

This Anti Birds is a bird species whose hobby disturbs people who have low quality or magic power.

It is said that this bird was only released when the Magic Knight Test season began to disturb candidates who had weak magic knights.

The weaker which power a person has, the more the anti birds dare to bother him.

And Asta is a person who does not have the slightest bit in his body. Therefore he was immediately surrounded by a lot of anti-birds when he was going to take the Magic Knight test.

But unique, there is one anti-bird that really doesn't want to escape from it. Even he was willing to hide in Asta's clothes for days, and only came out when Asta got her first mission to Sosshi village.

This anti birds is then given the name Nero by Luck.

Unlike most anti-birds, Nero has physical characteristics that are different from other anti-birds.

One of the most striking that distinguishes it from other anti birds is the two crests on its head that resemble demon horns, and two tapered tail feathers like a hook that looks like a demon tail.

This then led to the theory that Nero had a relationship with the devil who had been defeated by the First Magic Emperor.

What's more, the person who was the host was a five-leaf Grimoire demon user.

And the strangeness about Nero is becoming increasingly interesting to discuss because it seems that Nero also has a strong interest in magic stones targeted by a mysterious organization called the White Night Eye.

The White Night Eye group has an organizational symbol that resembles a key with a three-eye shaped handle.

And their three strongest wizards, or just think of their 3 division commanders, had a three-edged demonic form change.

Similar to the characteristics of demons that were defeated by the First Magic Emperor.

With this series of facts, our complete suspicion of Nero might be part of the White Night Eye.

Or even more extreme, Nero is the real leader of White Night Eye who has manipulated Licht, the current leader of the White Night Eye.

Licht himself is said to be someone from the fairy nation. These fairies were the only race that could use the power of the Stones magic.

By using the power of these Magic Stones, they could summon a three-eyed Demon God.

Which seemed like this three-eyed Demon God was a demon defeated by the first magic emperor.

And based on the latest facts, elf elders or call it the fairy king, is the real owner of the anti magic weapon. Including two demon swords that are always used by Asta.

This way it is increasingly clear that the red thread between Asta, Devil Grimoire, the fairy nation, Anti Magic Weapon, and Nero.

Our conclusion is ... Or rather, our theory is ...

The battle between the first magic emperor and the devil was a battle between humans and fairy nations. The magic emperor represents humans, while the demon or Demon God represents fairies.

According to our analysis, fairies themselves are divided into 2 sects, one of which wants to live side by side with humans, while the other considers humans to be enemies.

And who considered humans to be enemies was a sect that summoned the Demon God to destroy Clover Kingdom.

We think this sect is contrary to the policies of the previous Elf King who wanted the Elves to coexist with humans.

As we know, Elf King is the original owner of Anti Magic Weapon. So, it is very likely that this Asta is descended from the Elf King.

Because as we know, there is one chapter in the manga, which I forget what chapter, which seems to say that the parents of Yuno and Asta are Elves.

Therefore Asta has the ability to use anti magic weapons like the Elf King. And Yuno got a 4-leaf Clover Grimoire like the First Magic Emperor.

We think that the demonic magic and anti-magic weapons used by Asta and the Fairy King are not dark magic. It's magic that is specifically created to kill demons, or Demon Slayer Magic.

Besides that, we think the legend about the magic emperor who defeated the devil alone is a legend that has been engineered.

Maybe what really happened was that the Magic Emperor was assisted by the Fairy King to defeat the Demon God or Demon God.

However, because of the presence of the Demon God itself, it was a result of the actions of one of the elves, so King Peri requested that he be hidden from the history of the Kingdom of Clover.

Well because at this time a descendant of a fairy nation named Licht began to reassemble the Magic Stone to raise up the Demon God, then the 5-leaf Grimoire of King Elves re-appeared in the world to overcome this.

But ironically, the Grimoire used by Licht is actually very similar to the Grimoire that was used by the First Magic Emperor, the 4-leaf Grimoire clover with light elements.

We think that history is also related to Nero.

In our opinion, Nero was so interested in Magic Stone and Asta not because he was a member of the White Night Eye. But just the opposite.

By approaching Asta and saving the Magic Stone, Nero intends to prevent the dark history of the Kingdom of Clover from happening again. Preventing the Demon God from rising again.

If we are not mistaken, there are 10 holes in the magic stone on a white stone that belongs to White Night Eye.

If there are not 10 complete stones collected, then the Demon God cannot be summoned.


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